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Lynn: Ladies and germs, welcome to the 3rd edition of the 3rd degree. I'm the host with the most, Robert Lynn. Tonight my guest is none other than the UWA world heayweight champion, Dazed

Dazed's new graphics pops up on the screen. The instrumental of Rage's "Killing in the name off" lightly plays in the background as Dazed comes out wearing a "Worst case scenario" tank-top with the 20 pounds of championship gold draped over his massive shoulder.

Lynn: Dazed, is it true that defending the title is tougher than winning it?

Dazed: That's what most would think, but I think I've proven that it makes no difference to me whether I'm fighting to gain or retain this title.

(Dazed looks at title draped over his shoulder)

Dazed:No matter what I'm always performing at one hundred percent, it will always remain this way

Lynn: Well there's no rest for the weary, you get to face the man who got past your partner, Virus. What are your thoughts on Judd Davis?

Dazed: Judd Davis.....Judd Davis is what I consider one of the nobodies. He couldn't make it past THC the first week, what makes him think that he will get past me, the man who beat the man he could not just last week? Hell, maybe he doesn't think he can do it, maybe he won't show. But if he does he's in for a world of hurt, a world of hurt which I will be more than happy to supply him with.

Lynn:A nobody? A nobody that beat Jaguar and Virus. Are we getting a little full of ourselves?

Dazed: Whoa, whoa, whoa....A nobody that beat Virus only after interference. On any given day there is no doubt in my mind that Virus would have come out the winner in that match if it weren't for Rattlesnake. But the Rattlesnake came, and the Rattlesnake did something he shouldn't have done. The Rattlesnake put himself in a Worst Case Scenario, one that he'll be lucky to escape from with his body intact. I'm not full of myself, I only know what I'm capable of, and I happen to know that I am more than capable of taking out the likes of Judd Davis.

Lynn: Let's take a step back for a second. A lot of people were scratching their heads when you morphed from Sanity into Dazed. What was the reasoning for this metamorphosis?

Dazed:Robert, are you mentally retarded? I thought I made it more than clear that the Sanity thing was only a cover-up. I came in as someone that no one knew, knowing that they would doubt me, knowing that they would look past me. They all did so and payed dearly. True, this didn't need to be done, but it didn't hurt either. Look at me now, the UWA champion, just as I said I would be, and why? Because I was overlooked.

Lynn: Fair enough. Can you give us a background as how you broke in the business?

Dazed: It happened a long time ago, almost 4 years now. I was an actor in Hollywood. I was on the sceen of an audition which I assure you I would have gotten had I chose to pursue it, when I was approached by a man who called himself Saditic Sam. He told me he couldn't help but notice my physique and wanted me to wrestle in his new promotion, the nGw. I was tempted to turn him down on the spot. He then reached into his coat and pulled out a packet, he scribbled the numbers I wanted to see on it and I signed it, the rest is history.

Lynn: Now about that history. Last night you mentioned the IPW. There are some people here in the UWA that come from different circuits, care to explain what your accomplishments were ?

Dazed: I'd love to tell you about all of them, but unforutnately we don't have the time so I'll just skim over my illustrious career for you. I left nGw after winning the world title twice and deciding that I needed actual competition. I went on to wrestle in the NEW where I met many of the athletes I still know today. I had feuds with Virus and Sidewinder, won the world title twice and the tag title twice with my partner at the time Timothy Leary. Then it was on to IPW where I becane a two time champ dropping the title once to Big Q and once to specter. I then called it quits, considered myself done with this sport. But after almost a year and a half I was approached by Shaun and a UWA contract, seeking to regain my pride I signed, and you can see now that I have done just that.

Lynn: Now we saw the President take sides with you and Virus. Care to explain what the deal is?

Dazed: Robert, the deal is none of your goddamn business and I'd appreciate it if you stayed far from mine.

Lynn: Now we all saw the debut of Mayhem at Sabotage. He's the special referee for the Virus vs Snake match. Where does Mayhem fit into your plans? I mean is he friend, or foe?

Dazed: Mayhem is a nothing. Mayhem is not a friend nor a foe, but someone who tries to use my name in order to bring attention to his. If he wants a piece of me I'll be more than happy to give him one. But we all know that he doesn't. We all know what he knows......the fact that he's nothing to me, not even a threat.

Lynn: Awfully strong words for a man who is considered a legend. Now we saw the Rattlesnake make his return. The long awaited match with Virus finally goes down. Will you let Virus fight his fight or will you cheat and steal yourself to a victory again?

Dazed: Cheat? Robert, you might wanna think before you speak. I DO NOT cheat, I win because I'm that good. Virus win's because he's that good. If you want to insinuate that I'm a cheater than you're digging yourself a grave. Don't think that just because your the piece of shit sent out to do interviews that your opinion counts for shit.

Lynn: I apologize for my words but we all saw what you had to do to get past the Rattlesnake. Are you saying that you didn't put your foot on the ropes?

Dazed: I'm not saying that I didn't put my feet on the ropes, I'm only saying that I didn't cheat. If the ref doesn't see it it's not cheating right Robert? (glares at Robert threateningly)

Lynn: (Trying to suck up to not get his ass handed to him in a sling with a pissed off world heavyweight champion 2 feet from him) Ummm.....uh..... yes. Have I said that you look in great shape?

Dazed: No you haven't.....but you should have. You really seem like you're trying to piss me off Robert and let me tell you, it's working wonderfully.

Lynn: Well i guess you have to be good at something. Now it looks like Thc has left the UWA. Care to comment on his departure?

Dazed: (Dazed laughs) It doesn't surprise me in the least that THC would depart from the UWA. He's a sore loser and from what I've heard always has been this way. Hey, you think he'll listen to this broadcast Robert?

Lynn: I assume he would.

Dazed: If you are listening THC, I hope you have a great time sitting on your ass sucking your meals through a straw. Exactly what I said would happen did. You were utterly dominated by the superior athlete. You were driven from the UWA at my hands just like I said you would be. Don't come back THC, you and I both know you'll regret it.

Lynn: I guess Thc is taking the next bus back to jobberville where he'll be at home again. Dazed, we're almost out of time. Any last comments?

Dazed: Yeah, Judd Davis, it's only a matter of time. I've proven myself twice now in two short weeks. You think you have what it takes to stop me, give it your best shot. Your only setting yourself up for a dissappointment

NOTE: To read Flaherty's Third Degree interview, click HERE
NOTE: To read Jaguar's Third Degree interview, click HERE


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